SHS Membership

Join the Society for Health Systems and grow your career

When you're one of the few performance improvement specialists or management engineers in your organization or site, it's even more challenging to produce results. You need to rely on a wide network of colleagues, experts and resources outside your own organization.

The Society for Health Systems provides that.

SHS offers you the very latest and best process analytics, tools, techniques and methodologies for performance improvement. At the Society for Health Systems you will network with peers and learn how to improve performance in your healthcare organization.

As we enter an era of increasing public focus on the clinical performance of our healthcare system, SHS is growing and changing to respond to your needs. You will choose from timely Web and conference sessions, access a wealth of online resources, and draw on the expertise of industry leaders.

By becoming a Society for Health Systems member now, you will benefit from the growing resources available to members … and you can help shape the future of our healthcare improvement profession.

IISE/SHS Membership: $219

Access to all the benefits of IISE and SHS membership. Full voting rights for both.
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SHS-only Professional Membership: $152*

Access to all of the benefits of SHS Membership. Full voting rights for SHS.
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Student Membership: $49*

Prepare for your post-university or college career and enjoy IISE and SHS member benefits at a lower rate.
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SHS Membership for IISE Members: $35

IISE members can join SHS when completing their membership application or by contacting IISE Member & Customer Support.
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SHS Members who are First Year Graduates can join SHS for: $15

IISE members can join SHS when completing their membership application or by contacting  IISE Member & Customer Support
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SHS/HIMSS Professional Membership: $351*


Access to all of the benefits of SHS and HIMSS Membership by making one payment.
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SHS/HIMSS/IISE Professional Membership: $418*


Access to all of the benefits of SHS, HIMSS, and IISE Membership by making one payment.
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SHS Corporate Partnership

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Discounted membership for individuals from the same company.

*All member dues are in U.S. dollars. Dues are for one year and subject to change without notice. First-year professional members are charged an additional $15 for processing. 

If you’re a productivity and efficiency professional specializing in industrial engineering, you may be interested in joining IISE, the global association of productivity and efficiency professionals, along with SHS. More info


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